'The Jam Session': A Black Music Month Poetry Project — Session #1 (Audio + Text)

The Jam Session is a poetry project curated during June in celebration of Black Music Month, and inspired by lyrics of Black musicians - Session #1: inspired by Nas.

Session #1 - inspired by Nas

I need a new nigga for this black cloud to follow/‘cause while it's over me it's too dark to see tomorrow ~ Nasir (Nas) Jones, “The World Is Yours”

Last night I swigged two glasses of wine/slipped into slumber while on the couch/and dozed off the day’s frustrations/this morning, my spirit did not rise to the register of sunshine/as there are times my soul plays the low note in meters so layered in melancholy/it is impossible to make a joyful noise/Depression can be quite the primadonna/a diva that hijacks the spotlight/despite the boos & jeers & gestures/demanding for it to exit stage left/there are days when my overcast blocks the sun’s ability to photosynthesize the flowers I deserve/And on those days/I do not ignore the forecast/I cloak myself in rain gear and walk through the storm en route to clearer skies/wet-eyed and with a whistle in my stride/the light never disappears as much as it tends to shy into the background/before I call it back to centerstage/pass it the mic/and direct it to sing me a song of better/in an octave that scales the heavens/until the rain falls on me with favor & glory.

Black Music Appreciation Month is an annual celebration of African-American music in the United States initiated in 1979 by President Jimmy Carter to celebrate the contributions made by Black musicians and genres in enriching America’s cultural landscape.